
(1999) [BTasia org] Adrenaline Drive 1999 DVDRip DivX EngSub

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Name:(1999) [BTasia org] Adrenaline Drive 1999 DVDRip DivX EngSub torrent

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Torrent added: 2009-08-30 16:25:37

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(1999) [BTasia org] Adrenaline Drive 1999 DVDRip DivX EngSub (Size: 1.35 GB) (Files: 2)


696.27 MB


681.64 MB

Torrent description

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Adrenaline Drive
aka. Adorenarin doraibu
Japan 1999
DVDRip. DivX
Japanese Audio. English hardsubs


.:: S T O R Y ::.
A car rental clerk accidentally collided into a Yakuza's car and in order to fix the damage he needs to work it off by doing some jobs for him. But when he's at the Yakuza's operation pad, a freak explosion occurs and everyone except naturally the car rental clerk along with the yakuza, whose car he hit, had been killed by it. Then an equally shy female nurse and along with paramedics venture onto the buildings charred remains and stumbles across the two survivors. But before the rental clerk is taken to the hospital he decides to steal an abundant sum of the Yakuza's money and lets the nurse in on the scheme. Everything seems to be harmless and practical until the Yakuza who lived from the explosion sends his youth accomplices and he himself also goes to retrieve his money from the rental clerk and nurse.

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